NASA NASA's Fermi Probes "Dragons" of the Gamma-ray Sky
A new study of the ever-present fog of gamma rays from sources outside our galaxy shows that less than a third of the emission arises from what astronomers once considered the most likely suspects -- black-hole-powered jets from active galaxies.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration
NASA NASA's Fermi Probes "Dragons" of the Gamma-ray Sky
Active galaxies can explain less than 30 percent of the extragalactic gamma-ray background Fermi sees," said Marco Ajello, an astrophysicist.
"Dark matter may be a type of as-yet-unknown subatomic particle. If that's true, dark matter particles may interact with each other in a way that produces gamma rays," Ajello added.
NASA's Fermi probes 'dragons' of the gamma-ray sky
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100302162505.htmFermi Telescope probes 'dragons' of the gamma-ray sky
http://www.physorg.com/news186768316.htmlEnergetic cosmic fog stumps scientists - msnbc.com
Active galactic nuclei only minor contributors to gamma ray glow
Fermi Space Telescope